Revolution in the playground!
Illustrated by Caroline Modeste
Novel 1ères lectures - 60 pages, from CP-CE
Éditions Talents Hauts February 2011 (reissued 18/08/2016)
Paperback 60 pages, and digital (Epub, Kindle...) The story: Ulysse is new at school. Instead of playing football with Boris's gang, he joins the girls' group, led by Clarisse. Together, they put on a play for the school fête and manage to get Driss, another boy, on board. This is too much for Boris, who takes it out on Clarisse.
The upside-down birthday the sequel to the heroes' adventures, is also available!
PRIX TARTINES FRAISES 2013 6-9 ans d’Aulnat (63)
Sélection 6-9 ans Prix Écolire 2021-2022
Sélection Prix littéraire des écoles de Clamart 2016
Sélection Prix du petit Mars 2014 (44), catégorie jeune marsien, 9+
PRESS REVIEWS (extracts)
A recommended book for teaching your child about gender equality! DOCTISSIMO
Recommended in the ideal library for 5/7 year olds! BIBA
A selection of 16 books to combat stereotypes. FIGARO MADAME
Gaël Aymon has a real pen and a real talent for writing. A very good little novel from an author to keep an eye on! LA MARE AUX MOTS
A humorous story about the difference between boys and girls. FNAC
A novel that deals finely with conflict management and the distinction between girls' games and boys' games. L'HUMANITÉ
A fine book! SNUipp