But who are the real masters of the island?

Fantasy novel from age 10 - Actes Sud Jeunesse - 2016
Paperback 240 pages, and digital (Epub, Kindle...)
(Volume 1 "On the doorstep of oblivion") The story: Romain continues his quest to save his godfather Gaius, a prisoner of the Masters who are wreaking havoc on the island of Hyperborea. The heroes of legends must fight every day to avoid being forgotten. Romain faces one ordeal after another as he attempts to unravel the mystery of his birth. Who is Romain? A Watchman charged with protecting the myths or... a hero himself?
A journey to the heart of the tales and legends of the Middle Ages, where enchanters rub shoulders with legendary beasts, phoenixes, basilisks and Bayard, the fairy-horse.

ESS REVIEWS (extracts)
A tremendous, breathless, exciting adventure novel. Suspenseful right up to the last page. LA MARE AUX MOTS
The world of heroes and legends has never been as intriguing as in this series. A read that will be remembered for a long time, far from the usual fantasy codes. ALL KINDS OF READING
This second volume keeps its promises! The suspense is maintained right to the end! WE READ FOR YOU