What if your greatest wish could kill you?

Novel Thriller Large Format from 13 years - Éditions Nathan
Paperback, 350 pages, in digital and Braille format.
Story : Irina receives a strange inheritance: a skin, a sort of talisman that is supposed to grant every wish. Without really believing it, the young girl asks to become rich, and for the absolute devotion of Halima, her only friend. And her wishes come true...
But this dream life soon turns into a nightmare. An enemy is on the prowl, ready to seize her talisman by any means necessary.
And with every wish she makes, the skin gradually sucks the life out of Irina, killing her little by little.
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PRESS REVIEWS (extracts)
A breathtaking novel that grabs you dangerously! FRANCE INTER
A suspenseful thriller that is utterly addictive. TÉLÉRAMA
A real favourite! One of Gaël Aymon's best novels! RTL
Gaël Aymon has masterfully mastered this great classic, and it's thrilling! FRANCE INFO
Because the plot is terribly gripping and distressing, the characters are touching, the writing is flawless, the book is a knockout, and the thoughts it provokes will take over your head. 20 MINUTES
What a text! What emotion! What a pen and what a script! LIBRAIRIE JEUX LIS LÀ
A breathless novel that grabs you dangerously! CHANTELIVRE BOOKSHOP
Gaël Aymon reveals himself in each novel as a great children's author! LIBRAIRIE CHARLEMAGNE
Magisterial. Addictive. Philosophical. Diabolically well-crafted. ACTU SF
This literary thriller has the potential to become a classic and will live long in the subconscious. SAOMALGAR
Magnificent, breathtaking, incandescent! ELF READERS
Brilliant... and ballsy! LES DEMOISELLES DE CHÂTILLON
An addictive thriller, with a perfectly crafted plot and many twists and turns that dust off a legendary work with great panache! MEDIATHEQUE 4C
See the full press review (in French) :